Tech Transfer Education - Outreach & Communication
The chill of winter has settled in here in Cambridge, MA. To help you warm up, we've assembled some articles to help you reflect on Tech Transfer Outreach to your academic community: read about Canadian Tech Transfer, communication with partners and use of university resources!
~The Addgene Team
Community Spotlight: Interview with Lauren Gogo, Contracts Officer for Biomedical & Life Sciences at the University of Toronto
LAUREN GOGO joined the Innovations & Partnerships Office of the University of Toronto in July 2012 as a Contracts Officer for Biomedical & Life Sciences. In her interview with Addgene, she discusses her transition from biology to tech transfer, how the tech transfer community has grown in Canada, and she shares some tips for those just starting out (or looking for additional resources).
Read the Full Interview
Tech Transfer Article: What's Significant About Significant Use?
A variety of electronic resources have nearly replaced the dusty walks through library stacks. The inventive landscape is primed for innovation by the young, eager minds of university students. University intellectual property policies assert ownership interests to undergraduate IP, often when "significant use of university resources" has been made. Unfortunately, it's not often clear what "significant use" entails. Universities should consider what makes certain uses "significant".
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You can choose to auto-approve the UBMTA by executing a Master Agreement with Addgene.
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Tech Transfer Offices as Educators
Tech transfer offices today have more responsibilities than ever before.
Read about how tech transfer offices educate each other, their researchers and for-profit companies about the value and importance of their offices and their work.
New People in the Office? Need Some Help With Your Account?
We are more than happy to provide an introduction to Addgene for your new employees or a refresher course for your old.
Please let us know if you're interested in scheduling a meeting or teleconference!